How It Works
Not only is participating in the Race for Zero Waste a rewarding experience, it is also a very minimal time commitment for companies. Here's how the competition works:
1. Participants send in baseline information.
During the first month of the competition, your company will need to submit information about your existing recycling practices. This baseline data will be used to measure your progress throughout the competition.
2. Participants submit a brief recycling report each month.
At the end of each month, participants will submit a brief report that details their recycling activities during the reporting period. Please refer to the Timeline page for a schedule of monthly reporting due dates.
3. Green Purpose assigns scores to each participant’s monthly report.
Green Purpose will read over each participant’s monthly report and analyze the data. Using our advanced metrics formulas, we will then assign scores to participants in each of the metrics categories.
4. Updated scores will be posted after each grading period.
After each grading period, Green Purpose will post a visual scoreboard on the Race for Zero Waste website and various social media platforms. Scoreboards can be viewed on the Monthly Scoreboard page.
5. Winners will be announced at the end of the competition.
At the end of the competition, Green Purpose and our Race for Zero Waste judges will review all of the data that has been submitted throughout the competition, and will vote for the Grand Prize Winner. The winner of the Race for Zero Waste competition will win Green Purpose’s prestigious Zero Waste Seal of Excellence.